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Eine zukunftsorientierte Backup-Lösung bei Alzchem Group AG in Trostberg Alzchem Group AG Alzchem ist ein weltweit aktives Spezialchemie-Unternehmen, das in seinen Betätigungsfeldern überwiegend zu den...
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Langjährig zufriedener Kunde GfK erweitert DMaaS Backup auf weltweite Geschäftsumgebung Die Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung GfK ist eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen im Bereich Daten und...
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Isah opts for security and modernises its backup and recovery process. Isah provides business software that is used all over the world by companies from...
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Landal Greenparks

Landal GreenParks centralises and speeds up backups. Landal GreenParks manages more than 70 holiday parks. With 51 parks in the Netherlands, Landal is the leading...
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Bell ID

Technology company standardizes on Commvault platform and DMP Cloud. The increasing virtualization of servers at the Rotterdam technology company Bell ID in Rotterdam led to...
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The Dutch Aerospace Centre implements a fast and reliable back-up solution. The Dutch Aerospace Centre (NLR) is the Dutch knowledge organization for the identification, development...
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Meyn Food

Meyn Food Processing optimizes datamanagement. Due to growth and acquisitions, a backup and restore environment based on various suppliers’ solutions came about at Meyn Food...
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Hogeschool Windesheim

Hogeschool Windesheim accelerates and simplifies storage and backup with DMP. To speed up the storage and backup processes, Hogeschool Windesheim started a market orientation that...
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FD Mediagroep

FD Mediagroep implements a new back-up solution with DMP. As the company ran into the limitations of its backup infrastructure, FD Mediagroep decided to upgrade...
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